Where there is no vision, the people perish…
We cannot expect political polarization and the attack on our democratic institutions to end with the latest election results. The impact of the last four years, including the pandemic, will affect our health, psyches, and communities for years.
Despite these upheavals there is good news. A record-breaking 160 million Americans voted in November! We are also learning to respond to the systemic abuse of women and marginalized communities. Will our success help us bridge ideologies, address climate change, encourage engagement, and bring people together?
In this group we will use psychological practice to explore our similarities and differences, to see how we can fit ourselves together. We will also engage in shared study, reading one not-too-long book for the sake of identifying the threads of a new story, a vision of communities working out their differences.
Norma Safransky, MD, is a psychiatrist and licensed Systems Centered Therapy practitioner in Chapel Hill, NC. She has been in private practice since 1992. She is also an active member of Citizens Climate Lobby, a bipartisan organization that strives to integrate political visions to address climate change through bipartisan legislation.
Peter T. Dunlap, PhD, is a clinical and political psychologist in Petaluma, CA. Peter supports psychologically minded citizens to explore their leadership capacities and to develop a much needed public emotional intelligence. His trainings help participants to foster the fellowship needed for group and community development.
Group goals:
To cultivate belonging by exploring fellowship.
To cultivate your unique giftedness as a friend and community member.
To develop group leadership knowledge and skills.
To learn to move from understanding to action.
To tell the next story of humankind that integrates rather than demonizes traditional, modern, and progressive ideologies.
Who’ll be there? Psychologically minded people interested in helping each other explore the intersection between personal and community development.
Outside Reading Participants will be expected to read a book and be prepared to bring in what they know and don’t yet know.
Zoom dates The group will meet on Zoom on Fridays from 12 - 2:15 pm Pacific: February 12, 26; March 12, 26; April 9, 23; May 7, 21. Members are expected to attend at least 6 meetings.
Fee The fee for this group is sliding scale between $30-50 per scheduled meeting or by arrangement with Peter.
How can I attend? To reserve a place in the group, please call or email Peter to set up a time for an introductory conversation (707) 782-0400 or petertdunlap@gmail.com.