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NEW GROUP: Extending Psychological Belonging from the Clinic to the Commons (accepting new members based on initial consultation)

Extending Psychological Belonging from the Clinic to the Commons

A post-ideological approach to undoing cultural and political depression and outrage.

The best lack all convictions, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. — W. B. Yeats

We often become apathetic or despairing in the face of the cold wars between nations, the civil wars within nations, and the culture wars in our communities. Instead, let’s gather together to free up our political energy by undoing this cultural-level depression without discharging it as outrage.

We will engage in group practice to help us see that depression and outrage are not personal; they serve only to restrain our political development. We can activate this development as we explore the experience of psychological belonging and fellowship. We will also study and discuss new research about the culture wars, which will help us become the people called for by our time.

This group will support us to explore our unique political energy. For psychotherapists, it may mean learning to lead support groups for community leaders and activists. For community leaders and activists, it may entail receiving support so as not to burn out or engage with outrage. For many, it is simply a matter of identifying and exploring our own unique contribution — our own political energy.

Norma Safransky, MD, is a psychiatrist and licensed Systems Centered Therapy practitioner in Chapel Hill, NC. She has been in private practice since 1992. She is also an active member of Citizens Climate Lobby, a bipartisan organization that strives to integrate political visions to address climate change through bipartisan legislation.

Peter T. Dunlap, PhD, is a clinical and political psychologist in Petaluma, CA. Peter supports psychologically minded citizens to explore their leadership capacities and to develop a much-needed public emotional intelligence. Peter is currently the Acting Chair in the Clinical Psychology Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, CA.

How can I attend? To reserve a place in the group, please email Peter to schedule an introductory conversation.

What are the group’s goals?

  • To cultivate psychological belonging.

  • To cultivate your unique gifts as a friend and

    community member.

  • To develop group leadership knowledge and skills.

  • To move from understanding to action.

  • To tell a post-ideological story that integrates rather than demonizes traditional, modern, and progressive worldviews.

Who’ll be there? Psychologically minded people interested in helping each other explore and activate their political energy. We are currently accepting new members!

When and where does the group meet? We will meet via Zoom for nine Fridays in 2022 from 9am-12pm Pacific (12-3pm Eastern; 4-7pm GMT). Meeting dates are January 21, February 25, March 25, May 27, July 1, July 29, September 2, October 21, and December 2. Daylight savings time adjustments will be made. One-year commitment.

Outside reading Participants will be expected to read three short books over one year.

Fee The sliding-scale fee for this group is $60-$80 per scheduled meeting, or by arrangement with Peter.

February 16

GROUP: Men’s Leadership Group (not currently accepting new members)

March 2

GROUP: Men’s Leadership Group (not currently accepting new members)